Rick Wiegmann Koshko's compendium of links

Links are not endorsements. Likewise, omission doesn't necessarily mean anything either. Proceed at your own risk. As far as I know, there's nothing harmful in these links. But you never know when someone could get hacked, put up something hateful, or lose the domain to someone who puts up something not so nice. I intend to have a lot of links here, so I may not be able to keep everything up to date.

Use of these links in a manner inconsistent with their labeling is a violation of federal law. Or maybe it isn't. I don't really know. There are a lot of federal laws. I haven't had time to read them all. Have you?

I hope you like the retro look. I don't need to use a lot of bandwidth for this, so I won't. After all, we're both here to find some info source and get on with life.

Mostly, I'm putting things on here in order of importance to me or just whatever order I thought of them in. Most are not alphabetized.

TRIGGER WARNING: If you believe the earth is flat, some of these websites will mortify you.
TRIGGER WARNING: If you have an irrational dislike of people who use Esperanto, some of these websites will mortify you.

Quick Links
Left side:
News (reputable reporting)
News (careers)
News (info sources)
      Right side:
AM stereo
Search tools
Image editing
Social media
American Sign Language
Personal web pages
Radio, TV, DXing, ham radio, and things like that
News. Accept no imitations. These outlets cover stories themselves and actually check to make sure something happened before they put it out as news. Some may require logins and/or paid subscriptions for some or all content.
News part 2 (career)
Astronomy (Not astrology. I don't do astrology.)
AM Stereo
Internet search engines, portals, and guides
Image editing
  • Irfan View amazing free picture viewer and editor. It can't do everything, but it does a lot!
  • EZ Gif animated GIFs made easy
  • Image Flip animated GIF maker is free but with Imgflip watermark and size limits
Useful software and services (maybe I should just say miscellaneous)
Time (not the magazine)
Social media
American Sign Language
Personal websites of people I know
  • Rachel Moosadee, many more interesting links and a cool retro look too
  • Jason Hooper doesn't seem to be doing anything here lately and I haven't been in touch with him in some time