Radio, TV, DXing, ham radio, and things like that
- Federal Communications Commission home page
- U.S. Medium Wave Pattern References by NF8M, shows where the radio signals for numerous AM stations theoretically go
- American Radio Relay League for ham radio info
- International Radio Club of America DXers' club
- National Radio Club DXers' club
- Universal Radio closed radio store selling off its stock. Lots of specs on radios--many no longer in production
- World of Radio DXing program heard on shortwave and on podcasts too
- William Hepburn's DX Info Centre Tropospheric Ducting Forecast attempts to tell you when you might get VHF signals from much farther away than usual thanks to weather conditions
- Radio Museum info about antique radios
- The Radio Historian sells calendars with colorized pictures of long ago radio station scenes
- DX Central contests and more
- Distance between two points if you know the coordinates, useful for figuring out DX distances
- Distance From To, distance between two locations if you just know the names
- Short Wave Info schedules, frequencies, languages, lookups, etc.
- Radio Locator coverage maps
- Global Tuners radio receivers online around the world
- Kiwi SDR is now selling a new series of receivers. The original Kiwi receivers are no longer in production.
I hope the receivers now out there stay online for a long time and this web site for them too.
- St. Louis Media History
- Medium Wave Info blog about medium wave around the world
- HF Underground has many forums for non-licensed (pirate, Part 15, etc.) radio enthusiasts
- Morse Code World
- RufzXP for challenges listening to call signs sent in faster and faster Morse
- FCC Proceedings & Actions Daily Digest for call letter changes, station sale approvals, more
- AADE Filter Design program download
- AM license query from FCC
- Azimuth map made for any location from NS6T
- Azimuthal map source code
- Ghosts in the Air Glow "transmission art work" or slow scan TV experiment
- Radio Heritage collecting stories and memorabilia about radio from around the world
- Radio Discussions message boards
- Business Studies: Broadcasting and Its History info with a timeline going back to 1906
- All About Ham Radio for Beginners page with many links
News. Accept no imitations. These outlets cover stories themselves and actually check to make sure something happened before they put it out as news. Some may require logins and/or paid subscriptions for some or all content.
- ABC 7 Chicago traffic map
- Shaw Local Illinois Valley is what News-Tribune of LaSalle, IL and The Times of Ottawa, IL link to now
- Roll Call newspaper on Capitol Hill
- WCSJ Radio Morris, IL
- WGLT Radio Normal, IL
- WJBC Radio Bloomington, IL
- WLPO Radio Oglesby, IL
- WNIJ Radio Northern Illinois University, Dekalb, IL
- WSPL Radio Streator, IL
- WSPY Radio Plano, IL
News part 3 (info sources)
Astronomy (Not astrology. I don't do astrology.)
- SkyCaramba is mine
- Sky & Telescope magazine
- Astronomy magazine
- American Meteor Society
- International Occultation Timing Association Win Occult program for studying occultations
- Stellarium free planetarium program
- Celestia simulates travel through space at any speed with realistic views
- Home Planet for 32-bit Windows looks a little primitive now, but it has useful features like an orrery
- Shadow & Substance interesting presentations of astronomical sights by Larry Koehn
- NASA eclipse page archive not being updated anymore, but let's hope this fantastic resource of Besselian elements, maps, etc. will stay online
- Society for Popular Astronomy
- Light Pollution Map
- Space Weather auroral forecasts, sunspots, geomagnetic storms, and near earth objects
- Space Weather U.S. government info source
- Aurora Alerts Softserve News site
- BBC Sky at Night Magazine about astronomy in the U.K.
- has lots of astronomy and some other science too
- Solar Terrestrial Dispatch current solar activity plot
- The Aurora Page from Michigan Tech
- Auroras - Paintings in the Sky
- Sea and Sky astronomy pages (there are ocean related pages too)
- Sea and Sky astronomy events calendars
- Sky News, where the earth meets the sky Canadian astronomy site, not the British Sky News
- Constellation of Words list of stars. Okay, this is mainly an astrology site. I include it here because there's lots of info about star name meanings. I still don't do astrology.
- Bulletin A latest version from International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service for the latest delta T value
- Live World Map of Satellite Positions from
- Celestial Programming : Computing Besselian Element Polynomial Coefficients, if you know, you know.
- Parallax calculator to convert parallax to distance
- Hipparcos and Tycho star catalogs
- star brightness magnitude comparison tool
- Estimating Limiting Magnitude page about how dim an object you can see
- Counting Stars in the Great Square, another way to determine limiting magnitude
- American Association of Variable Star Observers
Internet search engines, portals, and guides
Image editing
- Irfan View amazing free picture viewer and editor. It can't do everything, but it does a lot!
- EZ Gif animated GIFs made easy
- Image Flip animated GIF maker is free but with Imgflip watermark and size limits
Useful software and services (maybe I should just say miscellaneous)
Personal websites of people I know
- Rachel Moosadee, many more interesting links and a cool retro look too
- Jason Hooper doesn't seem to be doing anything here lately and I haven't been in touch with him in some time